Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Blog Quiz: One Word Answers

1. Where is your cell phone? near

2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend? married

3. Your hair? flat

4. Work? none

5. Your father? active

6. Your favorite thing? time

7. Your dream last night? bad

8. Your favorite drink? water

9. Your dream car? none

10. The room you're in? study

11. Your pet? monkey

12. Your fear? meningitis

13. What do you want to be in 10 years? purposeful

14. Where did you hang out last night? home

15. What you're not good at? losing

16. Eyebrow rings on the opposite sex? pretentious

17. One of your wish list items? therapist

18. Where you grew up? Cupertino

19. The last thing you did? homework

20. What are you wearing? pajamas

21. what aren't you wearing? makeup

22. What are you doing today? little

23. Your computer? functional

24. Your life? better

25. Your mood? average

26. Missing? goal

27. What are you thinking about right now? Paul Potts

28. Your car? dying

29. Your work? Q#4

30. Your summer? surreal

31. Your relationship status? Q#2

32. Your favorite color? coral

33. When is the last time you laughed? yesterday

34. Last time you cried? today

35. School? sucks

P.S. Let me know if you do this quiz so I can read yours.


B.Amelia said...

# 27 was my favorite. Paul Potts =).

Alice in Wonderland said...

Yeah, I should've explained that I was crying that day because I was so touched by watching Potts on Youtube. Tears of joy.

tiptoptam said...

I don't know who Paul Potts is, but the whole one-word answer thing is very telling. Don't worry Christina, you're almost done with school!

kony said...

moi aussi :)