Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Still in shock and disbelief.

Sophmore, second-string, walk-on quarterback v. Heisman candidate.
Joke of a team v. #1 team in the nation.
Three fans v. Homefield advantage.
How could this happen?!

When crazy shit happens, I need a reason. I can't rest until I've found a logical explanation for it. Was it performance-enhancing drugs for Stanford? Was it over-confidant slacking for USC?

I was going crazy not knowing the reason for this epic upset, until Michael mercifully told me Booty broke his finger during the game.

Oh! That's what it was! I knew there was a good reason! A broken finger makes all the difference to a quarterback's passing game. Ok. Now I can relax. All is right with the world once again.

StanfURD still sucks.


tiptoptam said...

It totally worked out for us though! We moved up in the rankings, and stanford still sucks.

Alice in Wonderland said...

Yeah. But I try not to get too excited about Cal's #2 position because basically it's a bit inflated by how sucky all the other teams have been. There's a long road ahead for Cal...