Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Wishlist Item of the Day

Most people already know that I am an avid couch potato and consummate purveyor of consumer goods (shopaholic). So naturally, when you combine the two, you get: The Home Shopping Network.

Yes, I spend a great deal of my day on HSN. Even when I'm "working" I have it on in the background and it fills my life with superficial joy.

I know all the hosts and hostesses by name, bannerline guests, their special pricing systems ("This day only" and "Today's Special"), and even the models' names! I know, I know, scary.

And every once in a while, I see something absolutely worth coveting, which I've decided to share on my blog.

Why? Perhaps it's my public-spiritedness, perhaps it's my irrespressible enthusiasm for the item, or perhaps its my attempt to half-justify a somewhat unhealthy activity.

For whatever reason, you, dear readers, are the beneficiaries.

So without further ado, here is my HSN Favorite Item of the Day:

These are exquisite luxury candles with complex and exotic fragrances named after mythical goddesses and historical women of intrigue like the Princess of Nerola, Artemis' Dream, the Empress Josephine, and others.

Each has the purest burning wax and wicks of pure cotton so there is no black smoke and even the boxes it comes in are keepsakes because of their beautiful design. My personal favorite is the velvet votive set. This glass votive has ACTUAL velvet on its patterns!

With price points ranging from $12.95 to $24.95, this makes the perfect hostess or holiday gift for anyone. You'll never outstay your welcome if you bring this as a gift!

Hint, hint.

1 comment:

Alaberi said...

very subtle, my friend. ;-)
