Thursday, December 16, 2010

125, 126--Wed, Thu

These last couple days have found me indulging in a little retail therapy with you. We took you to the local mall to break the tedium of caring for you and so I can find the perfect Christmas outfit for you. (Incidentally, your dad, once the ergo-king, has become the moby-king--he loves wearing you in that wrap).

The first day we came up empty after visiting 3 stores. But at least you got to enjoy "playing" with the stuffed animals at Barnes & Noble.

Actually for the last couple weeks I've looked on every website imaginable for a good Christmas outfit and came up with bupkis--the good stuff is all gone. But today we went to Baby Gap and found the perfect thing--squeeeeeeeeeeee (that's the noise I made when I saw it, realized it was 50% off, and the salesperson said there was only one left in your size!) Can't wait to put it on you next week!

But honestly, my favorite "look" on you is your birthday suit. I just adore your fat, chubby little body sans clothing. You are delicious!

1 comment:

the McArthur Family said...

Oooh! The Moby looks so sleek too - you can barely tell it is even there. I nust try with next baby.