I've been working on a little knit sweater for your sweet guy ever since I learned that you were having a boy--I chose the color to match UCLA's baby blue. I had grand ambitions of putting buttons on the shoulder and stitching his initials on it, and maybe knitting a matching hat to go with it. But life got in the way--work, birth, colic, etc.--you know how it is.
But a couple weeks ago I thought long and hard about that half-finished little sweater. I could let it fall by the wayside, another victim of good intentions but poor execution, or I could focus all my limited free time into finally finishing it (without the fancy ambitious extras). And I decided to finish it. Why?
It's just a humble little sweater, but it's my way of saying thank you and I love you (and Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas!). Thank you for all your sympathy and compassion, for listening to me whine and moan and cry about reflux, sleepless nights, and feeling inadequate all the time. Thank you for reminding me to ask for the grace to cherish these hard times, and setting an example of how to do just that. Thank you for all the little encouragements and practical help you sent, through snailmail, over the phone, and via the interwebz--they really kept me afloat each time I felt like I was sinking. Thank you for being a friend (cue the Golden Girls theme song).
But seriously, thank you. Thank God for you. You are an awesome new-mom friend. And I'm so glad our boys are only 3 months apart! Can't wait to continue sharing the trials and joys of mom-hood with you.
Here's a pic of Judah modeling the sweater (had to make sure it fits!) and me modeling a cowl-neck scarf I knit for you using the crazy-fun yarn you sent me last year. Hope they get to you guys before you leave for Christmas vacation!
May you wear them always (well, until the sweater doesn't fit anymore) in good cheer and good health.
Love always, Alice
aww, hooray for handknits! they looks awesome! your friend is very lucky. ;)
(I mean "look." oops!)
I am so touched Christina! You have been such an encouragement to me too and I feel so loved by you! Thank you! Thank you! I can't wait for both Micah and me to wear your hand-made gifts.
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