There's so much to note--let's see, where to begin...
**Sitting! You've made great strides in your ability to sit. Here's a pic of you sitting unassisted for the first time, about a week ago. We were surprised and delighted.
Here's a pic of you sitting a few days later. Still shaky, but doing better.
And here's a pic of you mastering the skill even more, taken just yesterday. Good job baby!
After a few minutes though, you always topple over.
**Rolling over--we're trying to give you more tummy time to encourage you to roll over. Your pediatrician was trying to hide her shock when we told her you haven't even attempted to roll over yet (clearly she thinks you're developmentally retarded). It's okay, we love you anyway.
**El Gordito--You are one fat baby! (Maybe that's why you can't roll over). I notice your chub most when you're naked.
Here's a pic of me giving you a baby oil massage. I feel like you need more diaper-off time since the back of your butt is looking pretty red and itchy.
**Horror! This is not really about you, just something I had to note. Recently I was at the grocery store and saw a mom with 4 kids--two girls who looked about 5 and 7, and two babies in car seats sitting in the grocery cart. Did you hear that? TWO BABIES! One was clearly a newborn and was crying her head off. The mom looked like a dead woman walking (and who can blame her?!) I kept staring at her and wanting to ask her if I could hold her baby for her. She looked like she could use some help.
It also made me feel like a wimp because I need your dad to help me grocery shop with you in tow, but this woman is shopping with 2 babies and 2 kids!
1 comment:
That pic of Judah toppled over helplessly after sitting up is awesome! I could never hold in my laughter when Micah would topple over on the couch when he was first starting to sit. They look like drunks the way they slowly start to topple, but don't know to brace their fall with their hands, resulting in a face plant into the cushion.
But it's all part of the process. Good work, Judah!
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