Monday, January 17, 2011

155-157, Fri-Sun

Not much has happened. Lazy bullet-point thoughts...

--You've gotten more solids and you LOVE it.

--You're finding your voice. You sound like a screeching demon.

--You've been waking up at 1am every night for the last few weeks and crying really hard. It doesn't matter when we last fed you. You're not hungry, just wakeful. If I feed you around 1am, you tend to wake up again at 5am and STAY up. That is really really bad news for me. And I've been getting insomnia at 1 or 2 in the morning. Ugh!

--You're awesome in your car seat when we go short distances. Not a peep.

--I really need to find some mom-friends (or even just regular friends) to hang out with during the week. I'm going out of my mind with boredom and loneliness.

Here's a video of you eating solids for the very first time last Tuesday. I love how your little eyes light up when you realize there's actually stuff on the spoon!

First Time Eating Solids from Baby Land on Vimeo.


the McArthur Family said...

Judah is so alert. It's so fun to see him in action. Oh, it's just the beginning. More cuteness around the bend! By the way, your voice could totally be a radio voice - sounds like silk. (BTW, you inspired me to talk about feeding my little one on my blog.)

Tammy said...

Awww on the lack of sleep but I'm glad about the solid foods. Are you free Thursday afternoon around 1 o'clock? I can drop by for some grown-up talk. I'd love to see you guys in person :)

Alice in Wonderland said...

@Mandi--I'm so excited for more cuteness! Somedays I feel like he couldn't possibly be any more delicious...but apparently he can! And maybe I should start looking into radio, ha ha.

@Tammy--Yes! Yes! Yes! Drop by anytime!

Marcus McArthur said...

Wow, what a great smile after realizing there was food in his mouth! It's almost like he was aware of the significance of the moment. I hope he always stays such a willing eater.