Friday, March 18, 2011

The Banshee in Your Bed

Oh Judah, what am I gonna do with you?!

Every night you wake up at odd hours (and I know it's not due to hunger) and scream your ever-loving head off.

Your dad tries to soothe you by holding, rocking, bouncing, but it matters not to you. Only when your poor bedraggled mom comes in do you *instantly* quiet down.

Sometimes we give you tylenol or ibuprofen, thinking you might have teething pain. But frankly, it seems suspicious that your pain magically subsides when mom comes to hold you.

And your nap times. You will no longer allow me to put you down for a nap or bedtime. As soon as you are hovering over your crib you start to wail with knowing anticipation. I put you down on your firm little mattress and you kick it up a notch as if little gremlins are now peeling your skin off inch by inch.

I stay outside your room listening for 10 min, go back in and "knock you out" with the boob, and try again. Usually, when I retrieve you, your entire head is damp with sweat and strain. Poor baby.

I am inching ever closer to ferberizing you again. But this time you are 100x stronger, and louder than you were at 4 months. And my resolve is that much weaker as I miss you so much every day at work. Not a recipe for success. Gulp.

(Photo credits: These are fun pics I get from your nanny/auntie and dad while I'm at work--the highlight of my workday!)

1 comment:

the McArthur Family said...

Awwww. I think he misses you. *sniff sniff* the way, Micah does the same thing. What I have figured out is to hold him the first time I go in there, and hope that he falls back asleep. Then, the second I think he is in a deep sleep, I lay him in his crib - and he wakes up screaming. Then, I put my hand on his feet to hold them down on the matress, and sing. By about the 5th or 25th catechism question (the song), he is completely asleep...then I tip toe out (since our 90 year old wooden floor squeak like the dickens). It's worked the past couple nights...