Friday, March 04, 2011

I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

And I got a boob job, tummy tuck, and brain lobotomy.

Not really, but it might appear that way to my work colleagues whom I haven't seen since I was 9 months pregnant and ready to burst.

So I started work for 2 days this week and here are the highlights (and lowlights):

--Man am I tired. I'm so not used to it all. After just 1 hour at work, I seriously wanted a nap.

--It feels oddly like I never left. Just woke up from a long dream in which I had a baby and tended to him all day long.

--My brain is total mush. Many times during the day I wanted to ask my boss to please talk slower and could you repeat that? But luckily had the presence of mind not to!

--I feel guilty about not being there to nurse Judah. Somehow I feel like nursing is his birthright, ha.

--The first day I came home, Judah was so happy to see me he kept laughing and smiling while he nursed. This caused his mouth to back up with milk, which he sputtered in my face while laughing.

--The second day I came home, he acted like it was no big deal. Maybe I'm hypersensitive, but I wondered if he was mad at me.

--Had a major wardrobe malfunction. I won't go into detail, but lets just say it involved my boss pointing out to me that my bra was totally showing and me looking down and realizing my shirt was also totally stained with milk leaks. Learn from my mistake--never ever wear a new bra for your first day of work.

--My boss is the best boss I could possibly hope to have as a working mom. She's committed to helping me work a truly 60% schedule and she has 2 kids of her own so she's really sympathetic to the whole work/life balance thing.

--And the most bizarre thing of all: I realized I actually missed work.


Ryan said...

I know about those wardrobe malfunctions all too well...mine always happens when I'm holding the baby.

Ah. going back to work...a love and hate relationship. Sounds like Judah is adjusting well. Good for him. And good thing you got to stay at home with him as long as you did.

the McArthur Family said...

Although I would rather 200% be at home, I have to admit, it is nice to have my brain stimulated at work...although I'm not keen on the stress that comes with that. I hope that you are truley able to work only 60%.