Monday, March 07, 2011

More Developments!

Since you had such a hard time grabbing the little cereal o's, we bought you some bigger puffs designed just for babies. We call them, not surprisingly, your "development-puffs".

You absolutely love your DPs and squeal with delight when we put some on your highchair tray. It buys us at least 20 minutes of peace from you.

Of course half of them never get into your mouth. I have to confess these pics are posed (we stuck the puffs to your face!) but you often do have puffs all over your face and hands.

And, another exciting development happened today. I was told you finally rolled over while I was at work! Good job baby! I can't wait to see it for myself some time soon.


the McArthur Family said...

Judah is so cute. He is so innocent and unsuspecting of his parents' shananigans. Awww.

Mommy Lyn said...

Great job on rolling over Judah! If you're anything like your buddy Ryan, you'll be rolling all over the place and can't be stopped. Ryan and I miss you.