Recently you went to your first wedding! Here you are dressed in your best dapper dan clothes.

Thankfully mommy's friend Jenny could come along and help me wrangle with you. There was no way I could have possibly managed you and all your gear--stroller, diaper bag, snacks, bibs, socks, shoes, etc.--without her.

Mommy was a little horrified that the wedding was so small and intimate, you could hear a pin drop--how much more a fussy baby whining! I held you in the back, ready to dash off at a moment's notice as soon as you showed signs of yelling your head off.

The bride could not have looked lovelier, and the bridesmaid too. All in all, it was one of the most beautiful weddings I've ever attended.

I'll be going to Alaberi's wedding later this Summer on the opposite coast, and I briefly considered bringing you along. But if it's one thing I learned from this experience, it's that it takes 2 to make this thing go right, as they say. There is no way I could handle you all by myself, much less participate meaningfully in the event!
I'll be sad to leave you as I fly away for a couple days. It'll be our first night of separation and the longest I've ever been away from you. I keep consoling myself by saying that babies have no concept of time (thanks for that thought Mandi!), so in your mind, maybe it's as if I'm only gone for a few hours.
And on the other hand, it will be a nice extended break from baby care--something I haven't had since you were born (thanks for that perspective Peg). It's about time mommy gets a weekend off!