Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Judah Fact #001--You have insatiable curiousity

You absolutely hate it when I lay you flat to change your diapers. You have such an insatiable curiousity that you can't stand to be lying down and NOT exploring your world.

So every time I have to change you, to avoid you bursting into a wailing tantrum with giant elephant tears rolling down your face, I have to give you an interesting object to hold on to.

Lately it's been a toothbrush.

But I know the novelty is wearing off after just a few days so I need to find a new interesting and baby-safe object soon.


the McArthur Family said...

For Micah he loves holding his weiner and uses it to try to pull himself up to a sitting position. Ouch!

Alice in Wonderland said...

Oh my! I'm wincing on his behalf! I don't even know how that would work.