Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Self Play!

Some new baby developments make parents' lives harder, but some of them make them easier, or at least sweeter.

Recently, you've started to play on your own! You'll sit in front of your box of toys and take them out one by one. You don't even mind if I'm eating a sandwich next to you (which would previously cause you to yelp in anger until I share some of it with you).

And also last week, I saw you hugging your stuffed animal for the first time ever! You cuddled with your little lion stuffie (pictured here) for a good 5 minutes. Awwwwww.


Arie said...

that's so sweet! p.s. it kinda looks like he has an obscene amount of toys...and i know he has another bin full upstairs!

Alice in Wonderland said...

ha ha, shhhhh (and another pile of toys in my bedroom)!

the McArthur Family said...

Looks almost identical to our toy pile...and we have multiple bins/trunks with toys too...makes it more fun for us parents as well.