I wonder if you miss me as much as I miss you. I really hope that's not the case because then you'd be in a world of pining. I hope you're happily oblivious to my absence and having a grand ol' time without me.
Another working mom once told me that leaving your baby to go to work is like that crazy feeling at the beginning stages of falling in love where you can't stop thinking about the other person and can't wait to see them again.
She is exactly right.
Wow, he's looking more and more like a toddler these days. I know he's big for his age, but he really looks like a little kid instead of a baby.
I think it's the bushy hair combined with the smallish head. I do feel like he's no longer a baby...awww, I miss my baby.
aww. sweet entry.
She is exactly right. We just pine away all day.
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