Friday, April 21, 2006

Almost Perfect

Spring is now here in full force.

Everywhere you look there's tulips, hyacinths, and daffodils...

...and unfortunately, young people making-out. Blech!


Morris said...

"unfortunately, young people making-out. Blech!"

-Missing your youth? ;)

Alice in Wonderland said...

Wait a second...why does everyone think I'm "old" now?

I didn't like PDA when I was in highschool and I don't like it now.

It's got nothing to do with age; everything to do with DISGUSTING!

I'm not old...I'm just...prudish!

Morris said...

PDA? Public Display of Affection? I can understand what you mean. It always un-nerves me to see two people really going at it in public. Not because i'm jealous they will be getting some later, but because I find intimacy to be one of those things that should stop when people leave their front door (or cardboard box). Unlike Christina i'm old, so go figure i'm very conservative and "prudish". There was a time when a date consisted of dinner and movie and that was all. We need to return to those times!

Alaberi said...'re NOT old?


but that's for calling me Scalia today. ;-)