Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Death when you least expect it

She died in the springtime of her spring.
Shirin Shakir,
A classmate I never met,
one year ahead of me.

She died in a boating accident in Peru,
during Spring Break.
I looked up her picture in our school directory.
She was astonishingly beautiful.

From her memorial website,
I gleaned she was a devout Muslim,
and slightly shy,
and will be missed by a handful of friends.

It's a fine line between life and death.
What are the chances?
Who could've known?
And what exactly are we supposed to make of this?


Bruce S said...

You may find this hard to believe, but as my wife and I were leaving church last Sunday, the Ass't Pastor who met us at the door asked us to pray for a family with whom she was well acquainted whose daughter was killed just last week in a white water rafting accident in Peru.

I googled Shirin Shakir's name and followed some links and found that she died in the same incident as this Pastor's friends daughter had perished.

Alice in Wonderland said...

Small world.

Anonymous said...

Shirin will be missed by more than just a handfull of friends.