Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Your Tireless Do-Gooder

Even in the midst of studying for finals (3 more weeks until school's out!!!), I find the time to provide you with even more superficial crap for your brain-and-soul-rotting pleasure. I know, you're welcome, I'm a selfless giver, what can I say?

Check out the new sidelink to some sweet celeb bashing:


Anonymous said...

I appreciate it Christina! I'm not all fancy with the links but a couple of other good sites are:

The daily dish on

Finals blows. If Elliot or Paris get kicked off tonight I'm going to be pissed. It's totally Katharine's turn to go home. Paula scared me last night. She's so unstable that it's actually hard to watch.

Anonymous said...

i meant sfgate with a "g"

Alice in Wonderland said...

ooo...thanks for the tips. I'll be checking them out.

Anonymous said...

dude....Kellie?! I'm disappointed. I liked her so much better than Katharine. Singing Whitney..good grief. Ego, much? Christina, you are the only other person I know who watches AI.