You're starting to fuss and cry less and less. And with the power of the ergo, we feel pretty confidant that we can knock you out for a nap pretty much anytime. And with more burping, you seem to fuss less while you're eating.
Also, ever since your dad gives you a bottle at night and I nurse you lying down in bed, nighttime feedings haven't been as painful. I'm still waiting for you to sleep a good 3-4 hour stretch though!
As we edge into week 6, the supposed "peak week of fussiness" I'm cautiously optimistic that you actually won't be too hard to handle. After all, other than Sunday, you've had a pretty good week 5!
Here's a pic of you "standing up" during your daily morning activity time. What nice strong, fat legs you have!
Hooray! Perhaps this is the light at the end of the tunnel?
Your lips to God's ears!
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