I did it 20 times during your mid-afternoon nap and you barely slept at all. I finally quit when it was time to feed you again. I would've kept trying it, but I worried that you'd never get the sleep you needed and would get over-tired and cranky.
I wish the Baby Whisperer could come pay us a visit. Sigh. I feel a little panicky (okay a lot panicky) that we're making your bad associations worse with each passing nap time.
On the bright side, you started to smile a little this week!
aw, you guys are doing fine! try not to stress. judah is healthy and growing and has plenty of time to learn how to sleep. ;) if it helps, isabel is a champion sleeper now, after several months of me wondering if I was going to die of sleep deprivation. I waited until her colic had passed and then "sleep trained" her. it took a solid month of screaming and wailing, but ever since then, she has slept pretty consistently with a proper bedtime routine. she's five now and still sleeps for at least 11 hours each night. and I don't miss a minute of prime time tv! everyone wins!
I think the pick-up/put down is for after 4 months? I think right now it's supposed to be the shush-pat, at least according to Baby Whisperer.
I'm sorry things have been so stressful for you guys...I'm holding my breath with Caitlin's birth right around the corner. Judah looks super happy in the picture though. I will be praying for sleep for you and Michael. :)
Insaknitty--Wow, I can't believe you endured a month of screaming! Good for you though! That does give me hope.
Peg--Yeah, oops.
Mockingjay--I'm so excited for you guys. But I hope you've lined up a LOT of help for those early weeks. It is hell!
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