Tuesday, September 28, 2010

46, 47--Monday, Tuesday

Monday was a blur...not much happened except that we've now completely moved all your stuff into your own room. You finally have a place of your own!

Tuesday we went to the pediatrician and found out you are growing like a weed. You're 90th percentile in weight (12lbs 11oz) and 97th percentile in height (24.5 inches). I've suspected as much since you can't even fit into clothes for 3 month old babies. The top part fits okay, but it's impossible to button the bottom cuz you're too long!


Alaberi said...

C, he's getting so big -- and cuter by the day! :) And way to go, Mommy, feeding him so well that he's in the 90th percentile. :D

Hooray for his new room, too! Is Roary in there keeping him company?

Hope you're getting more sleep these days. :)

nafrica said...

you forgot to add he's only 50% in head circumference - basically he's got a giant body with a pin-sized head