Tuesday, September 21, 2010


You're cute and all, but man am I tired.

I'm tired of wrangling with you all day long. You're a fussy fuss-bucket when you eat, writhing around, grunting, popping on and off for no apparent reason. And then I have to carry around for 2 hours while you sleep/doze lightly. And then it's time for you to eat again!

Rinse and repeat ad exhaustium.


Unknown said...

he must be so heavy! I visited my friend who had a baby a week before you and I held her baby for about an hour while he was napping to give my friend's arm a break. I thought it was going to fall off after!!!

Alice in Wonderland said...

Oh yeah, he's quite the fatty now--almost 12lbs. I can't hold him for more than a minute, honestly!