Friday, December 30, 2005

I turned 21 today (again).

Frederic Douglas, like many former slaves of his generation, never knew his birthdate. Thus, he never really knew how old he was.

Imagine. Imagine having that most central piece of personal identity stripped from you. What is it like to not know how old you are?

If I didn't know that I was born on 12/29/1979, I guess I would constantly be guessing how old I am. And right now...I would guess that I'm...21.

I feel young, naive, on the cusp of adulthood. And heck, I'm still a student. But I've been around the block long enough to be out of my teens.

So as a salute to that great African American orator, I will celebrate my birthday with the age that I feel, not the one that I am.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Christina!

kony said...

congratulations! welcome to the twixter years: an economically unstable but charmingly fun phase of life.

B.Amelia said...

happy birthday!

Suz said...

Happy birthday, darling! You're only as old as you feel!