Thursday, December 22, 2005

The scum of the earth

For those of you with tender hearts, who want to deny the presence of pure evil in this world, I offer proof that should shatter your rose-tinted glasses once and for all:

Tricky virus-laden spam disguised as legit email.

That's right. You've seen them before. They have email addresses like or And then when you open the inimical instrument, you find there is an attachment you must click on. But woe to you if you do! One false click and you download a virus that may wipe away everything you've worked so hard for and render your laptop nothing more than an overpriced paperweight.

That's evil. Pure evil. Why would anyone do that? Unless they're evil.

It's one thing to send us non-viral spam full of advertisements that would entice those who have a weakness for porn and gambling. I can see that you have a business you're trying to run and my detriment is your gain.

But it's quite another thing to just plant a dumb virus in my computer and cost me dearly without you ever get anything out of it! Except the sheer pleasure of knowing you are hurting others. You suck.

There's a special place in hell for people like you.


Anonymous said...

Did that happen to you? Is your computer okay now?-JB

Anonymous said...

Oh! Those people do suck...I sincerely hope recent personal experience didn't inspire that post. Finals are rough enough as it is. Hang in there!


Alice in Wonderland said...

Thanks for your concern guys. I get those stupid emails all the time and it ignites such a fire of hatred and contempt in me that I just had to write about it. But I didn't "fall" for one yet. Came awfully close a few times though...

B.Amelia said...

Merry early Christmas