Wednesday, March 08, 2006

My so called life

I'm so tired.

Studying night and day sure does make jack a dull boy and jill a dull girl (or however that nursery rhyme goes...I don't even care that I mispelled rhyme...or did I?)

Of course I've had my occasional TV-related breaks, but they really can't substitute for a life. I justify watching TV only by eating while watching. That has resulted in an overconsumption of food in order to prolong my watching time.

And I watch whatever stupid crap is on too. My favorite stupid-crap show features a Wisconsonite woman who does sewing/quilting projects on PBS. She talks like the Target lady on SNL. That's how 'real' Wisconsinners talk. Kind of like the characters in Fargo.

"Thank you for joining our show today. Most of the patterns today are featured in my new book, Sew Chic Chenille."

I've always wanted to learn how to sew. I'm a very crafty person. I like to make things with my hands...especially fabric-related things.

I once asked my brother to buy me a sewing machine. It broke in a few months and I never had the chance to get it fixed. That was back in college. Now I have no time to do stuff like that. I probably never will again. Sorry brother, I guess you were right when you questioned my request for a sewing machine. You said I'd never use all the other gifts you bought me.

But that's not true! You bought me a black wool hat once and I wear that to school everyday. It's the only good winter hat I own...and very necessary outside of California.

And the guitar you bought me! I play that almost every week.


melissa said...

you're the cutest little sister! i'd forgive you in a heartbeat if i were will.

david's last name is Le Phong.

kony said...

you play the guitar! sweet.

haha i love your linky nicknames (bloglist in sidebar).

Anonymous said...

ohh....don't worry--by second year, you'll feel okay about watching TV even without eating as an excuse.


Will said...

I don't remember buying you all that crap. I just remember you totalling my car.

Alice in Wonderland said...

WHICH, by the way, I might add, was VERY useful until I totalled it.

And you have a bad memory. Oddly selective...I wonder what that implies.

Anonymous said...

I was there when you totaled your brother's car. That was one of the scariest moments of my life.

Anonymous said...

i love your spirit. :) And - TV is a reasonable substitute for a life.