Sunday, February 13, 2011

180-184, Tue-Sat

Lately you've been a lot fussier than usual and you always want to chew on something hard. I guess you're teething?

So I've been giving you lots of "teething toys", like your Sophie.

And toast, although this got soggy real fast.

And one that works particularly well, a carrot!

You chew on your teething carrot all day long.

Saturday you had your first girl-play date! You were uncharacteristically shy and didn't attempt to grope her the way you normally do other babies.

But you did venture a finger onto her soothie toy.

She shot you a look like--I don't think so squirt. Hands off my toy.

You didn't try that again. I guess you know when you're out-matched!


Jeff L said...

wow, judah is learning how to deal with rejection from girls at such a young age.

Alice in Wonderland said...

LOL, a good thing to learn right before Singles Awareness Day!

Mommy Lyn said...

Judah's a gentleman-he knows not to roughhouse with the ladies.

Good idea about the teething carrot. I'm so glad Judah's older ;) I'm getting a lot of ideas from you guys.