Saturday, February 25, 2006


For the entire day today my throat felt like this.

There is nothing worse than having a sore throat. What can you do to dull the pain? That's not a rhetorical question. Really, someone please tell me what I can do!!! I'm dying here!


Morris said...

I hope you feel better soon! My head and ears hurt right now. In the past i've drank tea to help my throat, although alot of time it just has to run its course.

Anonymous said...

two words: chloraseptic spray. It tastes terrible, but it completely numbs the pain. The numbness is it's own unpleasant sensation, but it might be a welcome change from the pain.

Poor Christina! Sore throats are the worst--the pain is pretty all-consuming. Hope you feel better.


Alice in Wonderland said...

Thanks Morris, hope you feel better too.

Tammy, I used Chloroseptic and accidentally sprayed my lips and they went strangely numb! That stuff really works.

Alaberi said...

feel better, Christina!!! Rest up, drink lots of water, and take vitamins! :-)

melissa said...

warm salt water. gargle. and then...

sniff it.

yeah, i said, sniff the salt water. till it goes back through your throat. and cough up all the nasty stuff till your all out. do it often, especially every morning. the salt forces out phlegm from your glands.

i learned this from elaine lo. works wonders. she's a schoolteacher, so she should know. cause snot-nosed kids carry a ton of germs.

Alice in Wonderland said...

Melly, that's so gross. I could never do that.