Friday, February 17, 2012

The Cognitive Explosion Continues

Judah did 3 things yesterday that blew my mind.

First, he conversed with his nanny in this exact way before my wide eyes:

Nanny:  Judah, a donde fuimos hoy?  (translation: Judah, where did we go today?)

Judah: Pa---parque (that's Spanish for park)

Nanny:  Con quien fuimos?  (translation:  Who did we go with?)

Judah: Landon! (that's his toddler friend)

This totally blew my mind because (a) it was entirely true and accurate and (b) it was in the freaking past tense, as the convo took place in our home.  My baby can talk about past events!!!!  WHAT?!?!


Second, he saw his dad pull up in the car and ran to him and gave him a big smile/giggle, hug and kiss.  That's not that remarkable in terms of development cuz he's done all that before.  But it was just so unbelievably sweet.


Third, all on his own, without any prompting from me, he played "cooking" with my utensils and little frying pans.  He went to the utensils drawer and pulled out a spatula.  He made cooking motions with it in the frying pan and then pretended to eat from it and offered it to me to taste as well.  He did this also with some wooden spoons and ladles.  I mean, yeah of course he's seen me cook before, but whatever gave him the notion to fake-cook and fake-eat?

I've never seen him use his imagination like this.  He can play pretend!!!


In short, Judah is officially not a baby anymore.

1 comment:

juheetea said...

Aww~~~~~~~~~ Juboooo growing up way too fast!