Thursday, February 23, 2012

Did You Really Poop?

Recently, Judah's been vocal about his poop.

At first, the spouse and I were really excited that Judah might be ready for potty-training.  He would point to his butt and say "poo-poo", and we'd check and sure enough, there was poop!

But after a week of accurate forecasts, Judah started to say "poo-poo" when he didn't have any.  I think it's kind of a game to him now.  He thinks its funny when we check his diapers and say "no you don't Judah, you don't have any poo-poo!"

So now he's full of misdirection.  He'll say "poo-poo!" and then I'll say "really?"  and he'll say "no!" as he giggles wildly and repeats this about three times.

1 comment:

juheetea said...

So mischievous!!! MIss him dearly...