Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Language Learner

Well, Judah's officially hit his "language explosion."

For the last couple weeks, he's been talking and repeating words with ever increasing frequency. And now the dude is unstoppable.

We can't read a single page of his books without him chiming in or acting out something. If Big Dog and Little Dog are going for a walk, Judah has to demonstrate "walking" with hand motions. If one fish has a car, Judah has to say "cah! cah!" You get the idea.

Everything I say is greeted with a "yeah", "no" or "ah-kay"...or more accurately "yeah...no!" because Judah likes to say yes to everything, but takes a second to realize he really meant no.

One thing I've been feeling really guilty about is not teaching him any mandarin. At first, I didn't introduce it to him because he was already learning English and Spanish and I just didn't want to retard his language acquisition by adding in yet another language. And now that he's firmly in language-land, it feels like I've missed the boat.

His Spanish and English comprehension is so good now (His nanny can give him a series of unrelated commands in Spanish--Judah, throw your diaper in the trash and put your wipes back in the box--and he does it all with full comprehension)--I feel like the few, broken mandarin phrases I know is just too pathetic for him now.

I don't have confidence that my mandarin skills are good enough to make it worth Judah's while at this point...if that makes any sense. As the spouse says, if I'm not going to immerse him in total mandarin for at least 2 hours a day, it's not even worth beginning.  And then part me wonders if learning mandarin is really necessary at all--what's the point?  Is it just a "nice to have"?


I guess I'll just have to wait to enroll him in some kind of mandarin preschool program later on...if I still care at that point.

Here Judah enjoys pulling his pet frog and saying "fro! fro!" Thanks Peg for the "fro"!

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