Your reflux has gotten worse and you scream in agony every evening around 6pm. Thankfully, it's only for 15 minutes or so (not like when you were a newborn and screamed for hours on end). And the ergo really does a great job of calming you down--that, and your baby Zantac meds.
Last night you woke up every 2 hours to eat, which was brutal and exhausting. What the heck?! You haven't been that bad of a sleeper since you were 5 weeks old! Are you going through a growth spurt? You didn't eat that much each time though. This better not be a habit from now on!
All of this has precipitated another meltdown from me (I do that a lot, apparently). I always feel like just one fussy feeding away from breaking down in tears. I guess sleeping just 4-5 hours a day in 30-45 minute increments can do that to a person! I keep wondering--when am I ever going to feel human again?!
Here's a pic of you in a mobi wrap. Thanks to the moms at the mom group for showing me how to use this. It distributes your weight better than other baby carriers, but you're still really heavy and my shoulders were burning after 10 minutes.
And here's a pic of you sort of sitting up in the boppy. I've recently become alarmed at your slow milestone developments. You can't really lift your head and you can't really sit up with support...
as this picture clearly demonstrates.