Tuesday, October 26, 2010

72, 73, 74, 75--Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue

Well, it's another marathon blog entry...

Here are the highlights, let's roll 'em!

Saturday--I don't remember anything about that day, except that you started to chew on your fists. You've found your hands and are on your way to self-soothing! You've been taking short 30 minute naps and waking up with a big smile on your face. It's kind of freaking me out because you usually take 1.5 to 2 hour naps and wake up screaming for food. I don't know whether to play with you, feed you, or try to lull you back to sleep. You're definitely getting more "alert."

Sunday--This night you slept from 10pm to 5:30am!!!! I thought you died or something when you didn't wake up for your normal 2am feeding. Let's hope this becomes a habit!

Monday--You used to go down to sleep really easily after 8pm because your internal clock makes you really tired. But lately you're wide awake and we have to 'ergo' you to sleep. But more disconcerting is that you'll scream and cry after your night feedings, which you never used to do either. I'm afraid this might mean the end of your "good" nighttime behavior.

Tuesday--We went to the pediatrician's today and you got your first set of shots. You did great considering how painful they were (of course I tried to make them easier on you by breastfeeding you while you got them).

We also found out that you are now over 15 lbs and 95th percentile in weight and height! But you still have a pin-head that's only 60th percentile.

1 comment:

the McArthur Family said...

That's so cool that your doctor/nurse allows you to nurse while he is getting his shots. Ours doesn't allow it, but I nurse him right afterwards to calm him down. I think I would be kind of scared though - like he's going to bite off valuable body parts. :o)

Did it keep him from crying/feeling the pain in the moment?

I remember the second time Micah got his shots, he was fussier that day too.