I tried to nap you in there 4 times yesterday and you "allowed" it once. That's better than nothing, but not a smashing success by any means. We'll keep working on it and see if we can improve those odds.
Yesterday I had a major meltdown because you wouldn't sleep in the new sleeper at first. I had built up all this desperate hope in that contraption, and when it didn't work I complete lost it. Luckily your dad was there to take over and talk me down from the ledge. I just can NOT continue to hold you, bounce you, walk you, swing you, for 8 hours a day during your nap times. You're nearly 13lbs!!!!
Your nap issue is depressing me so much, it's overshadowed all the great things that's been going on. Like, the fact that you are such a prolific communicator--you babble and coo constantly. And you just had your first 5 hour stretch of sleep least night. Good job baby!
LOL he doesn't look too happy and the bib is hilarious
Yeah, those are nice bibs. The more appropriate one he should be wearing is "Who needs sleep?"
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