Thursday, November 04, 2010

82, 83--Tue, Wed

Tuesday night you screamed in pain again at your 2am night feeding. But at least this time I was able to settle you in just 10 minutes and you were back to sleep in no time.

Nursing you 2-3 times at night is not so bad, in and of itself. It's the insomnia afterward that kills me. It's so hard to fall back asleep after being up for 45 minutes or so--sometimes walking you around, bouncing you, and generally panicking because you might get fussy.

I might have to ask your dad to do a night time feeding again. I feel bad about that though because you hate drinking from a bottle and it's really hard to settle you afterward. It takes me an hour to feed you and soothe you, whereas it'll probably take your dad 3 hours all told.

Wednesday was one of your best days ever! You were calm and happy all day long. I don't think you cried or even whimpered for a second. You ate like a little angel and you barely spit up. I thought, for a brief moment--things are getting better! Maybe you're finally turning that corner!

But then you woke up a lot at night, every 2-3 hours, to eat--culminating in a 5am screaming fit after feeding. And it was hell. Oh well.

Here's a pic of you admiring a handsome devil--you love smiling at yourself in the mirror:

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