Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Last night you FINALLY slept at 8pm (an hour later than your usual bedtime due to tummy issues--you spit up tons) and woke up at 11pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm (this time you screamed like a banshee for 15 minutes at your dad and wouldn't stop until I came in and held you), and 6pm. I think it might be time to feberize you.

But every time I contemplate doing so, I feel awful. I don't want you to cry and wail for hours. What if we're not doing it right? What if you really do have legitimate needs that you can't "self-soothe" away? What if your brain development is just not there yet (since you do seem to be a little behind in your milestones)? Maybe I'll wait til you're a little older.

But then, it could be harder to change your habits. And in the meantime, your poor parents will be continuing to suffer sleep deprivation torture.

What to do, what to do.

On the upside, we had a fun visit from Peg and baby Isaac yesterday. It's so great to be able to share being new moms with Peg.

At 9 mo, Isaac was really social and reached out to you as Peg told him to use his "gentle touch."

You, however, were oblivious to it all.

Here we are, just a couple of strollers strolling by with our strollers.

And here's a random naked picture--you're so barrel-chested!

1 comment:

the McArthur Family said...

Awww. He has a friend!